Saturday, August 25, 2012

Walk Your Dog For Quick Daily Exercise

In todays busy world people may find it difficult to find enough time maintain a regular workout schedule. Being busy and out of shape makes is nearly impossible for some people to stick to a difficult workout routine.

When living a busy life it is very important to set aside an hour at least five days a week to help stay active. Walking your dog close to your home is quick, easy, and cheap way to help stay in shape at the same time helping out mans best friend.

Walking your dog is an easy routine to adhere to because it doesnt require you to go anywhere and it costs virtually nothing. Also, your dog will learn to love your daily walks, this can help give some people a bit of added motivation.

With the right state of mind and motivation it can actually be easy to come home from work and exercise rather than sit on the couch. Giving up part of your relaxation time to exercise may seem difficult but it is very beneficial and becomes easier as time goes on.

Walking with your dog is easier than walking alone in your neighborhood or on a treadmill is easier because your dog provides a companion. Try to make each walk as enjoyable as possible at the same time giving it all the effort you can.

Before a vigorous walk it is important to loosen up by stretching specific muscle groups. Try to focus on your legs and arms when stretching, this will help your runs go easier and keep help keep from any possible injuries.

When you are done stretching make sure that your dog is able exercise. When taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood it is critical to have a proper fitting collar and leash or harness.

Be sure to plan a route that will be manageable and safe for a daily walk or jog. Many people find it beneficial to change their route every so often, this will allow you to go further as time goes on and it will keep things interesting by changing the scenery.

Using you K9 as a motivator can be very beneficial when going on a long walk, if you are feeling tired try to keep a good pace and keep your heart rate up. Be certain that you can keep your heart rate increased for a minimum of thirty minutes each time you go out.

You will build up endurance as you stick to your workout routine. As your route gets longer and you are moving faster make sure that your dog is in good enough shape to keep up with your increasing strength.
Running with your dog will be a lot easier if you have a good relationship and if your dog is obedient. Some people find it necessary to take their dogs to obedience training if they cant get them to walk with them calmly.

Walking your dog is a fun and easy way to maintain a healthy lifestyle and at the same time increase the lifespan of your dog.

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